Diet Porn
I Will Take a Diet Coke With My Porn.
DISCLAIMER: This was not my original thought. A dear friend of mine wrote this and I thought it must be shared. He asked I not share his name but he knows who he is. And I am grateful he allowed me to pass his thoughts along.

I order my porn the way I order my soda, with zero ramifications! It sounds silly at first to compare diet soda and porn, but is it really that silly? Why do you order a Diet Coke, or a Pepsi Zero? I justify it by telling myself I am cutting out 45 grams of sugar I did not need! I am cutting calories, right? Or maybe I just want 2 hamburgers. We all enjoy fast, large, cheap meals. It is a staple of our food culture in ‘Merica.
What is the appeal of diet soda? It provides gratifying taste without the ramifications of getting fat! What is the appeal to porn? I get to view a gratifying woman without the consequences of pregnancy, emotional connection, and I get whatever flavor I am into that day. It is one of the ultimate life hacks! I get to have fun, not as much fun, but enough fun. Similar to diet soda. I get some of the sweet taste of artificial sugar, not as good as sugar, but close enough.
No one thinks diet soda tastes as good as regular soda. No one truly believes porn is as satisfying as real sex. I think people become confused on this matter. Some claim diet soda is as good as regular. They are very wrong. How do I know they are wrong? Diet soda was not created because something needed to taste better! It was created so we could enjoy soda without the consequences. Perhaps over an extended period of time when our taste has changed, but in reality diet soda is an acquired taste, it is acquired reality.
We pick diet soda because we do not want the consequences of regular soda, not because it tastes better. We pick porn over a woman because we do not want the consequences of being with a woman. If you think otherwise, you are wrong. Your taste may have changed over time, but the reality is that porn was not created because having sex with a woman needed to be improved. It was created because we want to have sex without the consequences. Actual physical contact is SO MUCH better, but it requires responsibility.
What are some of the consequences of drinking diet soda? Studies have shown that drinking diet soda leads to increased caloric intake (you eat more calories). WHAT!? Your first response may be “I thought I was hacking the system.” It has been proposed the brain is expecting sugar in the blood stream (our brains only use sugar for energy) because of the sweet taste, just to find out it does not have any access to sugar. So what do we naturally do? We go find something to make up for the deficit. Have you ever looked at porn and felt…a lack of satisfaction? You most likely do, I know I have. I certainly never looked at porn and thought “Wow, that was awesome!” Now after sex with a woman, “WOW THAT WAS AWESOME!” is my normal response!
Porn is cheating your brain of physical contact, emotional connection, and vulnerability. You are cheating your brain, not hacking system. The brain knows it was cheated, and so what does it do? It demands more, or it demands you to supersize it. We do this when we order food, “I will take 3 cheese burgers and extra diet coke.”
The desire for intimacy remains after porn because we have cheated the brain of what it needs. I am not saying if you have sex with a person your intimacy concerns will be met. I could just go randomly hookup with a woman, would that be satisfying? The satisfaction would last as long as the action.
Are you seeing how porn and diet soda go hand in hand? They cheat our brains of what it wants and needs. The brain is no fool, it knows the difference. The crazy thing is the soda companies pay big bucks to advertise to us about diet soda, and when it comes to porn, we just advertise to ourselves.
Are there any other side effects to diet soda? Studies are showing it may lead to metabolic disorders due to a change in stomach flora (bacteria). So what does that mean? It means your metabolism is in disorder and is not functioning properly. The specifics of it do not matter, it is a disorder. Our bodies cannot metabolize the way it should be able too, and that should be all we need to know. I have found myself justifying my porn by trying to tie direct consequences, “it isn’t hurting xyz”. The fact remains it causes a disorder, does it truly matter it isn’t hurting xyz?
Have you ever wonder why some people have strange fetishes? I know some people have gone through very physical and emotional trauma. I have sympathy for these people. I am not sure how much of their odd fetishes are the result of abuse or predilection. However, from personal experience, and from understanding of how the brain works, I suspect that many strange fetishes arise from our consumption of porn. Our consumption alters us, it alters our reality, it creates emotional, physical, and intimacy disorders. Because in reality when you have another person next to you, you need to respond to their desires and needs. Porn does not require this, porn solely addresses our needs or desires. It is the ultimate drug. Porn is great about making you feel like the experience revolves around you. You select the girl, you select the scene you want, you select the length of time, you create an altered universe dedicated to you. So now when you are next to someone, you are not able to process (metabolize) the experience the same way. Do you think this will alter sexual experience? Do you think real sex will be the same? Will it have the same satisfaction? NO! It is simply not possible. Our reality is altered, and it is not for the better.
Do you know someone who looks at a donut and gains 5 lbs? Obvious hyperbole, but most of us know someone whose metabolism is a little slower than most people’s. These people can exercise, eat only lettuce, and struggle desperately to lose weight. They have a disorder. Those of us who look at porn have an altered sexual metabolism, and we cannot keep feeding it the same junk. What is the definition of crazy? Doing the same thing and expecting different results.
Porn becomes our altered reality and ruins your metabolism for real sex. Diet soda and porn are very similar in this deceptive manner. They are advertised as an awesome hack with ZERO consequences. I still like diet soda, that does not change, but I believe it has lead to me having a metabolic disorder. How foolish would it be to continue drinking it? Very foolish! I know better, yet I still yearn for the taste without all the consequences. Diet soda and porn have zero consequences at the time consumption. The problem lies in the fact that the poison takes time to cause our disorder. We do not drink a diet soda and instantly become fat. No, we drink a diet soda, and then need another to attempt to fill our needs. It is a vicious cycle without end. It may not be until we wake up fat, miserable, and disoriented that we realize how our altered reality poisoned us. When we indulge in porn we wake up sexless, miserable, and perhaps divorced. The end result is always the same, we lose.
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