Eager To Do Good
Divine Appreciation: Embracing Unseen Acts of GoodasasdadadasThis is a devotional guide to...
Enhancing Athletic Performance: The Power of Christian Meditation in Barcelona World League Soccer
Enhancing Athletic Performance: The Power of Christian Meditation in Barcelona World League...
Stillness in the Spirit: Embracing Christian Meditation in Modern Life
Stillness in the Spirit: Embracing Christian Meditation in Modern LifeUnderstanding the roots and...
From My Heart
From My HeartMy “heart woobie cushion” from Baylor Heart Plano.I adore asking people how I can...
Kintsugi…embracing damage.
Kintsugi…embracing damage.Not too long ago, at my favorite new coffee shop, I was sitting across...
The Christian Tradition of Meditation
The Christian Tradition of MeditationIs meditation biblical? Is there a Christian tradition of...
Burning Man: Possessing Other Eyes
Burning Man: Possessing Other EyesThe only true voyage of discovery, would be not to visit strange...
My Burning Question For Burning Man…Why?
My Burning Question For Burning Man…Why?Burning Man is an annual gathering of 75,000 people from...
Diet Porn
Diet PornI Will Take a Diet Coke With My Porn. DISCLAIMER: This was not my original thought. A...
Me & Ahmad: My Muslim Uber Driver
Me & Ahmad: My Muslim Uber DriverOnly in Manhattan morning rush hour can you find a way to...