50 Shades of Grey: Romance or Sexual Abuse?

“He is a stalker. Abusive. Manipulative. Ignores safe words. Ignores consent. Controlling. Jealous. Threatening.” -Anastasia from 50 Shades of Grey

Is this a movie about romance or rape? Is this a movie about finding pleasure or is it pornography? Millions will be spent this weekend finding out.

And what is porn exactly? In 1964 the United States Supreme Court established the test as “whether the average person, applying contemporary community standards, interprets the dominant theme of the material taken as a whole appeals to the prurient interest.” Well that clears it up. And what does prurient mean exactly? It is someone having or encouraging an excessive interest in…

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Eager To Do Good

Divine Appreciation: Embracing Unseen Acts of GoodasasdadadasThis is a devotional guide to “Eagerness To Do Good” in God’s eyes. It explores the biblical basis, seeks sole recognition from God, endures suffering for righteousness’ sake, and finds hope and identity in...