by Drew Dickens | Jul 17, 2016 | Cultural Commentary, Faith and Spirituality, Spirituality in Culture
Dear Joy, I am sorry. #BLM It was the one-week anniversary of the Dallas ambush. I sat down next to you at Starbucks. We had nothing in common. No need to talk. No expectation of sharing even the slightest thought, look, or glance between us. You were enjoying your...
by Drew Dickens | Jul 29, 2015 | Cultural Commentary, Faith and Technology, Spirituality in Culture
The Sociology of Selfies On a recent trip to San Francisco with my wife we laughed as we kept trying to frame our selfie with the Golden Gate Bridge in the background. Was it enough of the bridge? How did we look? Bike helmets on or off? What was interesting was we...
by Drew Dickens | Apr 24, 2015 | Cultural Commentary, Faith and Spirituality, Spirituality in Culture
Millennials and Money If you have a child in college or living outside the house then you have had this conversation… “Are you coming home from college this weekend? Yes, can I have gas money?” Is it just me or does that sound like extortion? “How bad do you want...
by Drew Dickens | Apr 22, 2015 | Cultural Commentary, Faith and Spirituality, Spirituality in Culture
DARE you to never say this ONE word in your prayers again… Which word do you think is used most in our prayers? Jesus, God, please, help, or me? Nope. Listen next time. Listen to others pray. Listen to yourself pray. When you hear it will become so obvious. It will...
by Drew Dickens | Apr 8, 2015 | Cultural Commentary, Faith and Spirituality, Spirituality in Culture
Millennials: Why They Arent In Church Time once was, in the not too distant past, that you would be shunned for appearing in public on Sunday morning in anything less than your best “go to meeting” clothes and seen anyplace other than your neighborhood church at the...
by Drew Dickens | Mar 24, 2015 | Cultural Commentary, Spirituality in Culture
Millennials: The Hook Up Generation? It’s that time of year once again. When day becomes longer than night. When brown becomes green. When what’s dead becomes alive. When we open long shuttered windows. When there is love in the air. It is Spring! For the younger...