by Drew Dickens | Mar 4, 2015 | Cultural Commentary, Faith and Spirituality, Spirituality in Culture
Millennials: Why do they cut? It is so easy to ignore at first when you see it. You may see fresh scars on their arm and think they scratched themselves accidentally. You may see healed scars and think it’s a birthmark. But if only you could see their heart. That is...
by Drew Dickens | Feb 25, 2015 | Cultural Commentary, Spirituality in Culture
Millennials: Why aren’t they married yet? “So did you have a special Valentine’s date this year?” That question drives a stake through the heart of most single adults born after 1980. “Any wedding bells in your future?” That is the question that keeps most young...
by Drew Dickens | Feb 21, 2015 | Cultural Commentary, Spirituality in Culture
What if ISIS isn’t the real problem? On the morning of February 15th, the world woke to the heinous news of 21 Christian men from Egypt being beheaded together by the hands of ISIS terrorists. Understandably, many are calling for an escalation in the war against the...
by Drew Dickens | Feb 11, 2015 | Cultural Commentary, Religion and Media, Spirituality in Culture
50 Shades of Grey: Romance or Sexual Abuse? “He is a stalker. Abusive. Manipulative. Ignores safe words. Ignores consent. Controlling. Jealous. Threatening.” -Anastasia from 50 Shades of Grey Is this a movie about romance or rape? Is this a movie about finding...
by Drew Dickens | Jan 20, 2015 | Cultural Commentary, Faith and Spirituality, Spirituality in Culture
Being detained in Plano for being black… Lets call him Terrence. I was at Starbucks in the corner minding my own business. Terrence was a few seats down from me talking to a friend. I thought I heard him mention something about “Hebrew” and “PhD.” His friend left and...
by Drew Dickens | Nov 25, 2014 | Cultural Commentary
#Ferguson Decision: How do you respond? Disheartening watching Twitter tonight. It seems there are few topics that enflame and divide the citizenry more than the topics of racism and privilege. We claim we have moved past it. We certainly want to. But the streets of...