by Drew Dickens | Sep 16, 2017 | Cultural Commentary, Faith and Spirituality, Spirituality in Culture
Burning Man: Possessing Other Eyes The only true voyage of discovery, would be not to visit strange lands but to possess other eyes, to behold the universe through the eyes of another.” – Marcel Proust (Remembrance of Things Past) I have been asked three...
by Drew Dickens | Sep 5, 2017 | Cultural Commentary, Faith and Spirituality, Faith and Technology, Religion and Media, Spirituality in Culture
My Burning Question For Burning Man…Why? Burning Man is an annual gathering of 75,000 people from around the world that takes place at Black Rock City—a temporary city erected in the barren northern Nevada desert. Burning Man is not a festival. Burning Man is a...
by Drew Dickens | Feb 18, 2017 | Cultural Commentary, Faith and Spirituality, Faith and Technology, Religion and Media, Spirituality in Culture
Diet Porn I Will Take a Diet Coke With My Porn. DISCLAIMER: This was not my original thought. A dear friend of mine wrote this and I thought it must be shared. He asked I not share his name but he knows who he is. And I am grateful he allowed me to pass his thoughts...
by Drew Dickens | Oct 26, 2016 | Cultural Commentary, Faith and Spirituality, Spirituality in Culture
Me & Ahmad: My Muslim Uber Driver Only in Manhattan morning rush hour can you find a way to squeeze two lanes into three. The steady cold rain and construction in front of our hidden boutique hotel only added to the misery. I scanned the license plates as they...
by Drew Dickens | Jul 17, 2016 | Cultural Commentary, Faith and Spirituality, Spirituality in Culture
Dear Joy, I am sorry. #BLM It was the one-week anniversary of the Dallas ambush. I sat down next to you at Starbucks. We had nothing in common. No need to talk. No expectation of sharing even the slightest thought, look, or glance between us. You were enjoying your...
by Drew Dickens | Feb 3, 2016 | Faith and Spirituality
Daring Faith I want God to do miracles in my life! I want to be challenged to grow in faith so that I can experience the power we have through Jesus Christ when we learn how to truly live by faith. With faith, we can move mountains and dream big things. But faith also...