by Drew Dickens | Aug 12, 2015 | Faith and Spirituality
God’s Grace Is Still Available If you need a moment of encouragement today, watch this short video prayer!! I feel comforted knowing no matter what I have done, God’s grace is still available to me! (VIDEO) Lets Pray Together (Video) Meditations to Help You...
by Drew Dickens | Apr 24, 2015 | Cultural Commentary, Faith and Spirituality, Spirituality in Culture
Millennials and Money If you have a child in college or living outside the house then you have had this conversation… “Are you coming home from college this weekend? Yes, can I have gas money?” Is it just me or does that sound like extortion? “How bad do you want...
by Drew Dickens | Apr 22, 2015 | Cultural Commentary, Faith and Spirituality, Spirituality in Culture
DARE you to never say this ONE word in your prayers again… Which word do you think is used most in our prayers? Jesus, God, please, help, or me? Nope. Listen next time. Listen to others pray. Listen to yourself pray. When you hear it will become so obvious. It will...
by Drew Dickens | Apr 8, 2015 | Cultural Commentary, Faith and Spirituality, Spirituality in Culture
Millennials: Why They Arent In Church Time once was, in the not too distant past, that you would be shunned for appearing in public on Sunday morning in anything less than your best “go to meeting” clothes and seen anyplace other than your neighborhood church at the...
by Drew Dickens | Mar 26, 2015 | Faith and Spirituality
Two fires and the smell of my sin It was a chilly night. People were gathered around a charcoal fire on the ground. There was only silence from those gathered about watching the embers glow. The sparks flying like shooting stars into the dark sky. Then a lowly servant...
by Drew Dickens | Mar 4, 2015 | Cultural Commentary, Faith and Spirituality, Spirituality in Culture
Millennials: Why do they cut? It is so easy to ignore at first when you see it. You may see fresh scars on their arm and think they scratched themselves accidentally. You may see healed scars and think it’s a birthmark. But if only you could see their heart. That is...