Divine Appreciation: Embracing Unseen Acts of Goodness

“Its 4’OClock in the morning damnit!  Listen to me good”! –Elton John

Yesterday morning I woke up early.  No light coming yet from the rising sun.  No sounds yet of our neighborhood waking up. My eyes were bleary and blinking hard.  Waiting patiently for them to focus before I finally rolled over to look at the clock.


I heard this presentation a few years ago at a TED conference and I thought it was brilliant.  http://www.ted.com/talks/rives_on_4_a_m.html.  How did 4 A.M. come to represent the absolute worst, isolated, and most lonely time of day?

So 4:00AM is still a bit early for me but I could not go back to sleep.  So I logged in to our new ECHO system our ministry uses for global evangelism response to see if anyone was interested in learning more about Jesus.  Apparently one of our commercials had just run on MTV and I immediately got connected with two guys…John and Finn.  Let me start with John.

He was up early too getting ready to drive out to California.  He had just graduated from high school.  So we started chatting.  He started with…”I have difficulty believing in Jesus” We chatted for over an hour.  What a joy to share the narrative of the Gospel with someone who had never heard it and have them respond…”yeah, I understand what you’re saying…I understand what you mean now.

Not a bad way for me to start my morning.  Praising God for the blessing He has given me, our staff, and our volunteers for allowing us to watch Him share the Good News of His son to millions of people since 1996.

So now let me tell you about Finn. He is a junior in college.  Up early too.  Wrestling with spiritual questions with nowhere to turn.  Watching MTV and he saw one of our commercials.  He had amazing questions.  After chatting for two hours I asked if he finally understood our separation from God and His plan to heal us back to Him.  Do you believe Finn? “do I what?  Do I believe?  Of course I do!”  Yes and Amen.

Not everything that happens at 4:00AM is dark.  Sometimes the light shines through.

Eager To Do Good

Divine Appreciation: Embracing Unseen Acts of GoodasasdadadasThis is a devotional guide to “Eagerness To Do Good” in God’s eyes. It explores the biblical basis, seeks sole recognition from God, endures suffering for righteousness’ sake, and finds hope and identity in...