Ive cut, i drink, and i do drugs
Emma has a boyfriend, Trevor.
Emma has her trust in Christ and follows Him as her Lord. Trevor doesn’t.
Emma suggested that Trevor chat with us. Maybe she had just run out of things to say or feared the rejection.
Trevor logged in and chatted with one of our volunteers, Peter. What Trevor didn’t know was this afternoon was going to be the moment that God stopped time and introduced him to His son, Jesus Christ. Today would be the day that Trevor’s sins would be forgiven; that he would be promised eternity; and he would become a brand new creation.

After a long conversation this afternoon, here is the prayer that Trevor just prayed from his heart.
“Dear God, thanks for giving me what i have in my life. for emma, she has opened my eyes to you, and pete is plantin the seed. i hope this can be the beggining of an awesome relationship between you and me. Im so sorry for the things ive done. Ive cut, i drink, i do drugs and i dont have the power on my own to stop. but i know that with you in my heart leading the way, life will be better. i ask foregiveness for the things ive done. thank you for sending your son to die on the cross to redeem our sins. i appreciate it, so much. i love you. amen.”
Welcome Trevor.
This happens countless times every day here, but its when the one sinner repents that all of heaven rejoices. Rejoice indeed. If you are reading this and want to have that same forgiveness and promise of an eternity with the One who created you to be with Him then we would love to chat with you too. We are HERE waiting at ChatAboutJesus.
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