Millennials: Why aren’t they married yet?
“So did you have a special Valentine’s date this year?” That question drives a stake through the heart of most single adults born after 1980. “Any wedding bells in your future?” That is the question that keeps most young adults from visiting relatives. They sit in the car both dreading and rehearsing answers to this question before they come in for Thanksgiving dinner. It is a crushing question, but it is an interesting one, is it not?

According to research from Dr. Susan Whitbourne and Dr. Jeffrey Arnett on studies of college students and how they grow up, there are historically four indicators of adulthood: having a job, buying a home, getting married, and having a child. What is interesting is that over the last fifty years the average age when someone completes each of these has risen by nearly ten years. In 1965 the average age that someone had a job, bought a home, got married, and had a child was 21. That age is now 30. That is an increase of 9 years in less than two generations. So why is that?
Eager To Do Good
Divine Appreciation: Embracing Unseen Acts of GoodasasdadadasThis is a devotional guide to “Eagerness To Do Good” in God’s eyes. It explores the biblical basis, seeks sole recognition from God, endures suffering for righteousness’ sake, and finds hope and identity in...
Enhancing Athletic Performance: The Power of Christian Meditation in Barcelona World League Soccer
Enhancing Athletic Performance: The Power of Christian Meditation in Barcelona World League SoccerThis article explores how integrating Christian meditation practices in team sports, specifically in Barcelona World League Soccer, can enhance athletes’ mental...
Stillness in the Spirit: Embracing Christian Meditation in Modern Life
Stillness in the Spirit: Embracing Christian Meditation in Modern LifeUnderstanding the roots and practices of Christian meditation, a time-honored spiritual practice rooted in early Christian monasticism, aimed at fostering a personal relationship with God through...