Millennials: The Hook Up Generation?

It’s that time of year once again. When day becomes longer than night. When brown becomes green. When what’s dead becomes alive. When we open long shuttered windows. When there is love in the air. It is Spring! For the younger among us that means Spring Break; the end of a school year; the hope for an endless summer; and perhaps finding true love. But in their search for that love, traditional courtship has started to look much different.   

What was once a quest for someone special to spend your life with has turned for many into settling to “hookup” with someone sexually for a single night. Why, and what is this growing trend doing to the psyche of this generation born between 1980 and 2000?

While there is much debate on the exact definition, “hooking-up” is generally understood to be engaging in flirtatious or sexual activity with someone they met casually at a party or event.  Most claim later to have been under the influence of alcohol or drugs. According to research published in Science Daily by Amanda Holman, Alan Sillars, hooking up may involve anything from kissing to intercourse and high-risk sexual activity; however, it usually involves little or no emotional attachment and rarely evolves into a long-term relationship. The study found that “students who engage in hookups may find encouragement in the belief that the practice is widespread, as suggested by the observed association between self-reported hookups and the estimated hookups for the average student.”

You may think this is nothing new. Perhaps the intent has been there all along but technology is allowing for these connections at a rate never imagined. One of the fastest growing match making mobile apps is called Tinder. It uses your Facebook profile and the geo-location technology in your phone to give you options to match with anyone that is within a certain distance. According to their website, 50 million active users on Tinder check their accounts eleven times per day and spend an average of ninety minutes per day on the app looking for strangers to meet and hook up with. Perhaps no accident that “tinder” is normally defined as dry, flammable material used for lighting a fire. Lighting a fire indeed.

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Eager To Do Good

Divine Appreciation: Embracing Unseen Acts of GoodasasdadadasThis is a devotional guide to “Eagerness To Do Good” in God’s eyes. It explores the biblical basis, seeks sole recognition from God, endures suffering for righteousness’ sake, and finds hope and identity in...