The First Church of Pooh
“You can’t stay in your corner of the Forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes.” – Winnie the Pooh
Wise words from the Pooh that the church needs to be reminded of sometimes. All too often churches adopt a “build it and they will come” mentality which works fine for shopping malls, amusement parks, and football stadiums but the only problem with that model for the church is…the Bible!

It’s easy for the church to stay in their corner of the Forest and draw huge crowds to their corner with concerts, coffee bars, climbing walls, lasers, and easy sermons about “10 Steps to be Happy” all while forgetting to go to the people that aren’t there.
The church in Acts 2:42-47 had less to do with where they met but how and when. They lived life together…in community…outside of their corner of the Forest. In Matthew 9:9-13 Jesus left His corner of His forest to have dinner with the sinners who were sick and in need of His care. And in Acts 8:26-40 Peter approached the Ethiopian reading the bible in his chariot. Peter didn’t sit in his own chariot waiting for the Ethiopian to knock on the door and say, “what does this bible verse mean?”
So lets leave our corner of the forest sometimes…go to someone where they are…have dinner with someone…walk up to a stranger and ask them what they are reading. Start a conversation. A safe conversation. A conversation out of love and with no agenda.…what discussing Jesus looks like when it doesn’t have an agenda.
Eager To Do Good
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Stillness in the Spirit: Embracing Christian Meditation in Modern Life
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